Hello you.
I am so glad you're here. Welcome to a community of kind and intelligent people who all love someone struggling with addiction.
My name is Michelle, and for over a decade, I have been researching and writing about the heartbreaks, challenges, and rewards of loving a good person who struggles with substance use disorder.
If you are feeling confused, lonely, or deeply intense feelings, welcome - this is your place, and we would love to be your people.
Instead of judgment, you will get a nod of understanding. Instead of feeling ignored and forgotten, we will only think about you, not your loved one.
I hope you find well-researched and not-so-boring or complicated advice that provides some hope that everything will be ok.
More About Me
I've been writing about loving someone struggling with addiction for over a decade. The Love Over Addiction Podcast has over 3 million downloads. Hundreds of thousands of women from over 53 countries have subscribed to the weekly blog posts.
I have interviewed top experts in the field of addiction, been a keynote speaker teaching therapists how to work with their clients, and I've been a panelist serving with legal and medical experts on the toll addiction takes on the family. I've also lead codependency groups for women. I earned my certification at Stanford University in Psychology and Science of Addiction and I'm currently working towards my degree in Trauma Studies.
You can find me here:
Love Over Addiction Podcast: A free weekly podcast without sponsors or commercials. I’ll share experiences, opinions, and resources and maybe interview with some experts or women in our community. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Audible.
Love Over Addiction Newsletter: (MichelleAnderson.substack.com) You’ll receive an essay via email (this is the same content as the podcast, just in written form - if reading is your thing). It’s also a place where you can comment and gain insight from other women in our community. I will be hanging around the comments, too. Subscribe here. Please keep in mind your name will appear if you comment, so please make up a name or use your first name only if you would like to protect your privacy.
Love Over Addiction Instagram: Not going to lie; my sabbatical from social media was lovely, but I think I’ve figured out some boundaries to help it feel slightly more healthy. Let’s give it a try:) Follow me here.
My Personal Instagram - Michelle Lisa Anderson: Building a community is still my goal, so I must be willing to share my life on social - even if it terrifies me. If you’re curious about my life, this is where you’ll find it. Follow here.
My Facebook Page - Michelle Lisa Anderson: For all you Facebook lovers (hi, Mom!), I see you. I will be posting on the Love Over Addiction page. Follow here
Love Over Addiction Facebook Page - I will be posting here, too.
Love Over Addiction YouTube: For now, I will post recordings of the Love Over Addiction podcast. In the future, I may get a little more creative. But first things first:) Follow here.
It’s a privilege and an honor to write and research for you. Thank you for trusting me. I am really excited about our future and what we will achieve together.
The Love Over Addiction podcast is back (yay!).
Join host Michelle Anderson as she discusses life while loving someone struggling with addiction. The goal of each episode is to leave you with encouragement, hope, and some laughs while you navigate the heartbreaking and rewarding relationship of loving someone with substance use disorder. If you're exhausted from trying to help, lonely, and unsure what to do next - you've come to the right place.
You can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Amazon (for free). I have always refused (and will continue) sponsors and commercials.
Awards & Recognition