Home Movies To Help Feel Better
Clearly, I am no Steven Spielberg but my videos were made with love and you in mind:) What's going on in your life that makes you feel a little better?
I am so thankful you’re sharing this newsletter with other people who need help while loving someone suffering from addiction. I don’t do any marketing or partnerships. Your referrals are how we are going to reach other women. Thanks for sharing:)
Hello everyone, I am on vacation in Pebble Beach. I went for a hike this morning, and the cold wind, wildlife, and ocean restored my heart. I walked next to the water, got out of my head, and felt an overwhelming sense of gratefulness for this beautiful earth we live on. Among the garden of giant rocks that went down to the beach, there were stunningly beautiful flowers popping up through the rocky terrain.
It reminded me - out of hard and gray times, beauty can survive.
So today, let’s share about the beauty that is popping up in your life amongst the rocky and dangerous landscape of addiction.
It can be easy to get sucked into the vortex of this disease, where every thought and emotion is tied to addiction. But may I offer you an invitation to use your imagination and join me on my walk, focusing on beauty?
I made a video so you could enjoy the stunning landscape too. Look at those deer!
Can we take a moment to think about the beauty in your life? Perhaps it’s a pretty weed you noticed on a walk or a handmade quilt passed down from your grandmother? Maybe the sunset, the turquoise color of the waves, or an old friend who made you laugh out loud?
As I was writing this, a bird flew onto the chair at my table - and I am indoors! Love the little gifts life brings us.
It can be really scary and heartbreaking to be in love with someone struggling with addiction, and I defiantly don’t want to take away from that very real pain.
In my darkest times, I try to make an honest effort and notice the small and substantial gifts of everyday life. Darkness doesn’t need to win all the moments in all the days.
Will you please share about the beauty in your life? I would love to hear.
If you can’t think of anything today, that’s ok. Using our imagination to create future memories or recall happy past happy memories stimulates serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin (happy hormones).
Reading about other people’s happiness can help encourage ideas for one another, and we can grow together as a community.
My daily joy is to watch the variety of spring and summer birds that stop by my bird feeder. So far there has been a cardinal, four gold finches, a hummingbird, blue jay, black capped chickadee, sparrows, robins, and birds I haven’t figured out what they are yet. I sit for hours watching them and marveling at the way they interact. For example the gold finches will take turns watching for other birds so they can eat safely. But they also will shoe each other away if they take too long. The proverbial pecking order. There is a peacefulness that comes with just sitting and watching.
Hi Michele, I’m so thankful for your wisdom as I journeyed. I’m healing beautifully, love people where they are at the moment, and I can love much better living in a different city. Yes, I divorced the love of my life, started dating at 15, ended a 30-year marriage five years ago, and never looked back; after that decision, my smile never faded. I find joy in disconnecting and discovering how unique & strong a person I became walking with a loved one who suffered from addiction.
My joy is present.
Note: I worked on myself and stayed in my lane for “years” before leaving. I was ready to live, smile, find peace, speak without fear, and find my voice again. All those thoughts we dump on ourselves while trying to love a person who only loves the addiction.
Beauty is loving yourself no matter where you are and finding the strength and courage to live differently alongside a person suffering from addiction or claiming a new way of life on your own.